LSN GO focuses on the 16-25 age group. We create disruptive clothing based on streetwear fashion trends with a more urban look. Our LSN GO collections feature irreverent designs, colourful clothes, sweatshirts with provocative messages and patterns, and wide T-shirts with an innovative look.


What are you afraid of? Fear is for those who don’t take chances. There’s nothing stopping you from going where you want to go. Go! Long or short sleeve crop tops, leggings in black leather-type material, hoodies: take your own LSN GO look with you and you’ll see you have what it takes to make it all happen.


It doesn’t really matter where you’re going or why. What does matter is that you go! Whether you want to go skating, running, dancing, parkouring… whatever you choose to do, LSN has the sports attire that will accompany you and help you excel. Sports leggings, joggers, sweatshirts that will allow you to move freely: check it all out at LSN GO’s fall/winter collection.


Let’s go! The best days of your life are outdoors: go get them! Grab an LSN oversized jacket, a jumper or a cotton jacket, or even a sweatshirt– you decide what you want to wear; we have everything you’re looking for.